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DevOps Enterprise Summit由美国的Gene Kim发起并举办的,他是两本流行书籍的作者:《凤凰项目》和《DevOps Handbook》(中文书名《DevOps实践指南》预计于2018年春季出版)。




DevOps Enterprise Summit is a conference for the leaders of large, complex organizations implementing DevOps principles and practices. The event programming emphasizes both evolving technical and architectural practices and the methods needed to lead widespread change efforts in large organizations. The goal is to give leaders the tools and practices they need to develop and deploy software faster and to win in the marketplace.






MondayElectric Cloud TrackRocha, Aloisio, Betting on DevOps- How NetEnt Transforms Online Gaming Delivery.pdf
MondayElectric Cloud TrackWallgren, Andres, Architecting Your App and Your Pipeline for Continuous Delivery - 10 DO’s for Successful DevOps.pdf
MondayElectric Cloud TrackMckay, Gary, From Mainframe to Microservices- How Somos Keeps Telcos and Us All Connected.pdf
MondayElectric Cloud TrackPullen, Wesley, DevOps from Grassroots to Mainstream.pdf
MondayElectric Cloud TrackEsser, John, DevOps Transformation 2.0- From Ancestry.com to AdvancedMD - applying strategies for leading DevOps innovation.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionComtois, Pauly, Bringing DevOps to Product.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionRaia, Alice, Overcoming 75 years of inertia in healthcare; a Top-down + bottoms-up DevOps Transformation.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionPerret, Jennifer, Guckenheimer, Sam, The Skype Journey to 1ES and Cloud.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionGrafmeyer, Jim, Payne, Cindy, DevOps Handbook Experiments in Accelerating Delivery.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionHering, Micro, What got you here, wont get you there - A story of transformations.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionDominica DeGrandis - DeGrandis_Nov 12.2017.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionOlivier, Dawie, Agile:Dawie ruined my life.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionThrasher, Paula, Scaling DevOps Talent in a Large Enterprise.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionDaththreya, Gnani, Shunmugasundaram, Sathiya, Continuous Chaos in DevOps.pdf
MondayBreakout SessionHockaday, Kurt, Turning the Battleship A Principled Approach to Driving Change in DoD IT.pdf
MondayGeneral SessionMayner, Steve, Transformational Leadership and DevOps - Beyond the Research.pdf
MondayGeneral SessionJohnson, Suzette, Yeman, Robin, What Legacy government organizations need to advance the state of DevOps.pdf
MondayGeneral SessionNassello, Scott, Using DevOps to build your learning organization.pdf
MondayGeneral SessionMorrison, Erica, Prugh, Scott, More Culture, More Engineering, Less Duct-Tape.pdf
TuesdayElectric Cloud TrackAggarwal, Manish, Intel’s Journey to Build Quality In How QA and Test Automation Drive DevOps Transformation.pdf
TuesdayElectric Cloud TrackPriolo, Marc, Mastering the Three S’s for a Successful Pipeline-as-a-Service Strategy Standardization, Self-service, Scale.pdf
TuesdayElectric Cloud TrackStroud, Robert, DevOps From Analyst Inquiry to Organizational Action.pdf
TuesdayElectric Cloud TrackGruver, Gary, Starting and Scaling DevOps in the Enterprise.pdf
TuesdayElectric Cloud TrackReed, J. Paul, Navigating the Software Delivery Minefield DevOps and the Art of Release Engineering.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionBlank-Edelman, David, SRE For Enterprises.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionLackey, Zane, DevSecOps How to use DevOps to make you more secure.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionBurgin, Andy Devops in a Data Warehouse Inside Out.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionNowak, Chris, Alliances, Data and Startup Mentality – How we Led Three Banks through DevOps Transformations.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionRinehart, Aaron, Wickett, James, DevOps and the Healthcare Giant.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionKolli, Rama, Supercharging PayPal’s application development to help democratize financial services.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionFong, Richard, Nir, Erez, From Dev Opps to DevOps.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionNielsen, Suzanne, Shewell, Sarah, Transformation at Scale, One Cup at a Time.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionFinster, Bryan, Pendergraft, Brent, CD Solving the talent problem.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionEdmundson, Jill, Musil, Jill, Service Request Management CSG’s Journey from Chaos to Clarity.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionMagennis, Troy, Prioritization – 10 different techniques for choosing what to start next.pdf
TuesdayBreakout SessionOwczarek, David, Best Practices for Availability.pdf
TuesdayGeneral SessionForsgren, Nicole, The key to high performance What the data says.pdf
TuesdayGeneral SessionMatthew, Tisson, The Making of Amazon Prime Now.pdf
TuesdayGeneral SessionAllspaw, John, How Your Systems Keep Running Day After Day - Resilience Engineering as DevOps.pdf
TuesdayGeneral SessionBrady, Jennifer, Pal, Tapabrata, Better Governance – Banking on Continuous Delivery.pdf
WednesdayElectric Cloud TrackMorales, Marco, Process-as-Code Real-World Examples that Scale.pdf
WednesdayElectric Cloud TrackLynn, Angelo, Best Practices for DevOps-Ready Infrastructure Management and Automation.pdf
WednesdayElectric Cloud TrackMcKnight, Ken,Data-Driven DevOps Taking Action!.pdf
WednesdayElectric Cloud TrackDoucet, Chris, Best Practices for Model Driven Approach to Application Release.pdf
WednesdayElectric Cloud TrackSutton, Mark, BizDevOps Using KPIs to Unlock a Common Language.pdf
WednesdayElectric Cloud TrackSchuller, Manuel, How Financial Services are Leveraging Legacy IT Investments When Transitioning to DevOps.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionEngland, Rob, Surviving DevOps.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionKonno, Miki, Marks, Justin, User Feedback at the Speed of DevOps.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionFinn, Ray, Singh, Aru, Service Ownership - Devops for Salesforce.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionHill, Chris, Context Switches in Software Engineering.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionWester, Julia, Taming the Chaos- Beyond the Quick Wins.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionKernaghan, Chris, Can you do Devops in SAP DOES.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionJelleda, Kishore, DevOps at Scale is a Hard Problem- Challenges, Insights and Lessons Learned.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionRadcliffe, Rosalind, Two Amazing Mainframe DevOps Transformation Case Studies.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionShoup, Randy, Scaling Personalization- DevOps at Stitch Fix.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionDeArdo, Carmen, Kersten, Mik, The Case for Value Stream Architecture.pdf
WednesdayBreakout SessionRizzo, David, Two Amazing Mainframe DevOps Transformation Case Studies.pdf
WednesdayGeneral SessionBoecker, Scott, Forrester, Ron There is No Finish Line.pdf
WednesdayGeneral SessionClanton, Ross, Kumar, Nanda, Fear does not exist in the dojo - a devops journey with a competitive twist.pdf
WednesdayGeneral SessionSmart, Jonathan, The Yin and Yang of Speed and Control.pdf
WednesdayGeneral SessionHendrickson, Elisabeth, Data and DevOps Breaking Down the Silos.pdf
WednesdayGeneral SessionDekker, Sindey, The human factor Inspiring the pursuit of success and averting drift into failure.pdf



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