隐藏Windows Explorer中的各种东西

XenApp 实施工具,隐藏 Windows  Explorer 中的各种东西。

HideLibraries Hide libraries icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer. HideFavorites Hide favorites icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer. HideNetwork Hide network icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer. HideComputer Hide computer icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer. HideHomeGroup Hide home group icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer ShowLibraries Show libraries icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer. ShowFavorites Show favorites icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer. ShowNetwork Show network icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer. ShowComputer Show computer icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer ShowHomeGroup Show home group icon in the navigation pane of Windows Explorer Logoff In order to changes take effect the explorer shell process needs to be restarted. Specifying the option causes your windows session to logoff immediately. Reboot In order to changes take effect the explorer shell process needs to be restarted. Specifying the option causes the computer to reboot immediately. Help Displays this usage information.

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几乎是做 XenApp 共享桌面的必备工具。

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