Open source software box dot net launch

My another new domain name is launching. This site will move into as soon as could be finally blocked due to IDC domain registration process failed.

I am almost giving up this blog sometimes, just because .cn domain name is hopeless. I am done with this game. For the past few months, I did everything that I could do for keeping this domain alive. But, is still under the risk; you could not reach this site for any moment. means open source software box network. I’d like to package oss as a physical machine or virtual appliance. A quick start guide will go with it to jump start a new user for using oss. Installation  and configuration work is painful for people are not a oss guru. I call this is the last mile problem for adapting open source software. If you have oss specialty and are interesting in this kind of work, please drop me a email. I’d like to involve anyone who has same idea.

署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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