ITIL V3 Study Notes (1)

关于 ITIL V3 的简单网上已经有很多,我是从 ITIL V2 Foundation 认证升级到 V3 的,由于目前做的 ITSM 的项目还都是 V2 的内容。随着公司的产品逐渐想 V3 上靠,并且很多已经通过了 V3 认证了;所以自己必须好好在看看 V3 的内容,所谓温故而知新,我也希望能尽早把 V3 的内容都消化掉。下面的一些列帖子是我最近的一些学习笔记,也本着把后书读薄的目的,希望这些笔记能帮我把思路整理好。ITIL V3 的核心出版物有五本。如果有 ITIL v2 相关的理论或者实践经验 ,而且英文好的话建议直接从网上购买或者下载这五本书开始学习。不过过程可能会比较漫长,效果很难预测。我现在学的是一个公司的 ITIL V3 Foundation 认证培训的教材,这本书好在他其实整合了上面五本书的所有核心内容,而且通过实际用例来解释理论。它是本考试认证用书,所以上面还有考试辅导方面的内容,如考点提示之类的。对我来讲业余时间能很快把 V3 的内容过一遍,这本书应该在好不过了。

ITIL 认证和其他 IT 认证没有什么本质区别。整个学习和认证架构是一个金字塔,在最顶端的当然是 OGC,在最下层的当然是你了。OGC 之下的是 APMG,APMG 是 OGC 官方的唯一授权认证和考试机构,它可以授权一些组织成为 ITIL 的培训机构和考试机构。所以向认证的第一步就是找一家 APMG 授权的培训机构去培训了,接下来的认证考试可以有培训组织帮助联系。如下图所示:如果你没有 ITIL v2 的认证的话,你就是从上图的第三个框开始你的认知之路。 和 ISO20000 的关系?ITIL can be implemented without ISO/IEC 20000, but ISO/IEC 20000 cannot be achieved without ITIL.服务定义举例:Let’s use the analogy of the difference between a supermarket and a restaurant.Both places are visited for purchasing food. At the supermarket, clients buy a product or a set of products with which they have the capability to create a meal. They go home, they prepare the food, and they serve dinner to their guests. Conversely, at the restaurant, the clients are buying the complete Service, the capability and resources to create the meal, as well as the overall experience of dining.Function 的定义:It is important for us to understand the definition of function.A function is defined as a team or group of people and the tools it uses to perform one or more processes or activities. Functions are self-contained units of organizations, with their own capabilities and resources.举例没有 Function 的组织结构的特点:The challenge most IT organizations face is that they are structured with a single focus on functions.The functional organization in IT is typically aligned to the technology, for example: Network, Mainframe, and so on. IT came by this honestly, as each technology type requires specialized resources and capabilities to manage, thus meeting the definition of a function.However, when these same functions do not have clear understanding of their roles in processes and service delivery, it leads to “functional silos”, where work is completed without clear knowledge of the impact of this work on the quality of services.Process models help avoid this problem with functional hierarchies. These process models improve cross-functional coordination and control. Well-defined processes can improve productivity within and across functions.Role 举例:As an example of roles and functions, the Technical Management department or function can perform the role of Problem Analyst when diagnosing the root cause of Incidents. This same department or function could also be expected to play several other roles at different times, such as assessing the impact of Changes, that is, the Change Management role.The scope of the role and what triggers the role player to play that role are defined by the relevant processes and agreed by their Line Manager.流程的特点:You can remember these characteristics by breaking them down into a mnemonic such as MSCR — Mary Sells Custom Rings.

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