Do you like Chrome?

Peoples always love whatever Google’s invention, I am using Gmail and GTalk every day too. But I think I couldn’t say I like google anytime. That’s just because Chrome. It was installed on my laptop yesterday. I’m trying it out when I access any of my google services (Gmail, Reader, Doc, etc…). There are some App shortcuts are already on my XP deskdtop.  Base on one day experience of Chrome, I’d like to talk about reasons I don’t like Chrome. I has not tested it too much at present, just few comments below:

Chrome’s Name: I still do not figure out how to pronounce this word, someone says it sounds like a man perfume; I do thinks so. But it’s ok for a name of software, I don’t care about too much what it called.  FireFox is cool name, everyone know it.Crash Continually: It proved Chrome browser is on early stage. For me, I won’t any software on my laptop send out any piece of information which I don’t know or couldn’t understand. So, I will never  turn on crash report option for any software. It is still crashing frequently, I might will not use it any more; or install it.**Bookmark on top: **My laptop has supper wide screen, so all of bookmarks are listing on the left side of Firefox/IE. I like to access bookmark from left side of screen. It is on the top and just below the address bar, I have to close it.ADs in Gmail/anywhere it could be: In Firefox, I get really few AD showed up. Nobody love ADs, but Google can not do with our AD.Without Add-ons: It is so important for extending the usage of your browser. Add-on makes a browser to do more jobs as you wash for. I can list some add-ons of Firefox, they are very helpful and I must have all of them.I thinks Google really good at marketing. it crashed into browser marketing, its ambition knows no limits. All in all, Chrome is not a good enough to be my default browser; Fixfox will keeping do this job for me. Chrome is a ok software, it is no offence to Googl’s fans.

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