one minute to build your wap version blog

Wap version of my blog ** ** You could also build yours within one minute. I think it is worth to do, since more and more peoples are surfing from mobile device. You might get a wap link on your home page, I will do it after get this post publish out.Now, it time to explain how to do a wap blog.

  1. open Google Moblizer in your browser
  2. enter your url of your blog, then click go button
  3. google moblizer will adjust your blog page to flat wap version.  only one font and same size, smaller pictures, white background; those are perfect to fit for more cell phones. it is also easy to read.
  4. copy the current url into a text file, this url looks like ‘'
  5. go to; paste the url to make a tinyurl
  6. finally, you get a tiny url for your wap version blog
  7. enjoy :) I’m using wordpress for my blog. Wordpress should have some sort of plugin to do this. If you know about it, please leve me a comment. Thanks!
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