Wap version of my blog **http://tinyurl.com/martinliu ** You could also build yours within one minute. I think it is worth to do, since more and more peoples are surfing from mobile device. You might get a wap link on your home page, I will do it after get this post publish out.Now, it time to explain how to do a wap blog.
- open Google Moblizer in your browser
- enter your url of your blog, then click go button
- google moblizer will adjust your blog page to flat wap version. only one font and same size, smaller pictures, white background; those are perfect to fit for more cell phones. it is also easy to read.
- copy the current url into a text file, this url looks like ‘http://www.google.com/gwt/n?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.martinliu.cn'
- go to www.tinyurl.com; paste the url to make a tinyurl
- finally, you get a tiny url for your wap version blog
- enjoy :) I’m using wordpress for my blog. Wordpress should have some sort of plugin to do this. If you know about it, please leve me a comment. Thanks!