There are some projects do have ISO file for downloading. That means you could run this solution with in 20 minutes on a physics machine or a vmware session. You can just download this ISO image file and burn it on a blank cd; then you will insert it into DVD/CD driver of your target machine, after press few enter keys; You finally got all software on this box. Reboot this machine, you get everything up an running on it; including a Linux OS and everything which the solution depends on.I had tested out only few of ISO open source software.
- CactiEZ
- OSSIM It looks like actually two open source software collections. Let’s look inside those ISO files, it is a bootable Linux install disk with all necessary software.CactiEZ has following parts:
- Cacti and plugins (Discovery, flowviewer, mac Track, nTop, syslog, Thold, etc..)
- Nagios CactiEZ is focusing on Cacti. Now it does not provide free download. You will pay few $$$; it’s a great ISO open source software and worthy to pay for Jimmy’s effort. I have a old version for you to download. click here. 下载 cactiezThere is architecture picture of OSSIM. OAAIM use sensor for collecting data over network. A typical OSSIM Sensor configuration would do the following functions:
- IDS (Snort)
- Vulnerability Scanner (Nessus)
- Anomaly Detection (Spade, p0f, pads, arpwatch, RRD ab behaviour)
- Network Monitoring and Profiling (Ntop)
- Collecting from local routers, firewalls, IDS’s, etc
- It could even act as a Firewall I love ISO open source software, for the following reasons:
- Easy to install on a physic machine.
- Time Saving. You just use it right away after you load everything and reboot that machine. Linux is basically a ISO based open source software. If you know more others, not Linux; please let me know.